Monday, January 20
Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday
All city offices are closed
Tuesday, January 21
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, January 28
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Fri, January 31
Filing period for city elective offices ends
Tuesday, February 4
Council meeting, 6:00 pm
Tuesday, February 18
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, February 25
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 4
Mardi Gras holiday
All city offices are closed
Sunday, March 9
Daylight Savings Time begins
Tuesday, March 11
Council meeting, 6:00 pm
Tuesday, March 18
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 25
Council meeting, 1:30 pm
Tue, April 1
Primary Elections
Tue, April 22
Primary Run-off Elections, if necessary
Tue, June 3
General Elections

George Sekul Scholarship 2025

History of Biloxi Public Schools
by Zan Skelton
BPS 1920-1929
BPS 1930-1939
BPS 1940-1949
BPS 1950-1959
BPS 1960-1969
BPS 1970-1979
BPS 1980-1989
BPS 1990-1999
BPS 2001-2010
Addenda, I-IV 1924-2001

Email me to receive the free Ward 5 eblast!       See past issues

01/16/25  The City invites children ages 12 and under to participate in the Biloxi Children’s Mardi Gras Walking Parade, Saturday, February 8.
Application deadline is January 31.   See the flyer   Application form


Public Notice of Tree Hearing was posted on-site January 13 at the proposed Chic-Fil-A site, corner of Nelson Drive & Pass Road… Tuesday, January 28, 1:30, City Hall, second floor.

The Public Hearing format as follows:
(***The process below was revised 01/14/25, 12:30 pm., after it was brought to my attention by the Council Clerk that my original post was not accurate.)
Under the Public Agenda portion of the Council Agenda a total of 30 minutes will be set aside for the Public Hearing.
……Appellant/those appealing have 10 minutes to speak. (3 people filed appeals; they may divide the 10 minutes anyway they choose)
……Appellee/Developer has 15 minutes to respond.
……Appellant(s) have 5 minutes for rebuttal/response.
Council will vote on the issue later in the Agenda, as an item under the Policy Agenda.

01/03/25 It’s been my pleasure to serve the citizens of Biloxi, specifically those of you who live in Ward 5, for the past 3 terms as your Councilman.  I’m always accessible and have tried to keep you informed with my website, semi-annual ward meetings and weekly Ward 5 eblasts.  Having filed my qualifying papers, I respectfully ask once again for your vote April 1st to serve as your Councilman for another term.

12/17/24  Before everyone loses their mind over the Salary Compensation Resolution on today’s Council agenda, see the salary history of the Mayor and Council.  (Update: This Resolution was Tabled Subject to Call; some council members wanted time to research the topic.  By statute, the mayor and council salaries must be approved 90 days prior to the General Election in June.)

11/30/24  Saenger Theatre interior work continues.

11/13/24  Chic-Fil-A site plan… 4 protected trees to be removed with the required mitigation (later increased to 8 protected trees, which triggered a Tree Hearing Jan. 2, 2025)… existing structures on-site to be demolished in the near future.  Click on image to enlarge or click here.

10/02/24  Popp’s Ferry Road Extension… Work on the $27M project is expected to begin in late 2024 or early 2025 and will take 20-24 months to complete.  Modifications to the Pass Road & Popp’s Ferry Road intersection to facilitate the traffic increase are included in the project.  Necaise Brothers Construction is the contractor for this project.  Image below is dated October 2020.

10/02/24 Intersection Popp’s Ferry & Pass Road… improvements associated with the Popp’s Ferry Road extension project.  Pass Road is left to right; Popp’s Ferry Road is top to bottom; North is at the top of the page.  (Click to enlarge)

03/31/24  Petit Bois Cove Townhomes development; 62 residential lots upon 5.05 acres located between Rue Palafox & Rue Petit Bois, east of Eisenhower Drive.  Drawing 1  Drawing 2


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